Designed by: Tianshen TANG Group: iGEM24_HUST-UEVE-UPSaclay (2024-09-30)
MHETase(Amcut), a kind of tannase family protein that can degrade MHET
Assembly Compatibility:
- 10INCOMPATIBLE WITH RFC[10]Illegal PstI site found at 1553
- 12INCOMPATIBLE WITH RFC[12]Illegal PstI site found at 1553
- 23INCOMPATIBLE WITH RFC[23]Illegal PstI site found at 1553
- 25INCOMPATIBLE WITH RFC[25]Illegal PstI site found at 1553
Illegal AgeI site found at 109
Illegal AgeI site found at 526
Illegal AgeI site found at 1176 - 1000COMPATIBLE WITH RFC[1000]
Design Notes
The MHETase is used for degrading MHET to TPA and promoting the whole process of degradation of PET. Since it is also connected with Amcut siganl peptide, it can be secreted outside the bacteria to function.
It comes from Ideonella sakaiensis 201-F6
Janatunaim RZ, Fibriani A. Construction and Cloning of Plastic-degrading Recombinant Enzymes (MHETase). Recent Pat Biotechnol. 2020;14(3):229-234. doi: 10.2174/1872208314666200311104541. PMID: 32160855.